FAO in Ethiopia

FAO is our right arm in our effort to serve the agriculture sector, Ethiopia’s Minister of Agriculture says.

FAO Ethiopia annual meeting reviewed FAO’s programme implementation and recommended ways forward for the remainder of the year

19 July 2017, Addis Ababa - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Ethiopia renews it commitment to support the government priority areas in line with the Government’s Growth and Transformation Plan II, during its annual programme and operations review and planning meeting. 

The annual meeting reviewed FAO’s programme implementation and recommended ways forward for the remainder of the year. “This is an important moment to reflect on what we have achieved in our efforts to support the government priorities and look for additional opportunities for collaboration with the Government”, said Amadou Allahoury FAO Representative to Ethiopia. 

FAO’s five-year country programing framework guides the partnership with and support to the Government through three priority areas - crop production and productivity, livestock and fisheries production and sustainable natural resources management.  

Currently, FAO works with the Ethiopian Government through 27 projects in the areas of crop, livestock, fisheries, natural resources and resilience. 

On behalf of the FAO Subregional Coordinator for Eastern Africa and Representative to the African Union Commission (AUC) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Mohamed Aw-Dahir, SFE Partnership Officer applauded the excellent collaboration between FAO Ethiopia and the Government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and other relevant institutions. Mr. Aw-Dahir highlighted a number of good policies, programs and strategies in the country, which are aimed at promoting agricultural development to achieve food security and nutrition and build resilience. He reconfirmed FAO’s commitment to be a major partner to the Government of Ethiopia in its effort to improve agricultural production and productivity; reduce the degradation of natural resources and build disaster prevention and preparedness capacity. “The country office should take advantage of the presence of the Multi-Disciplinary Team(MDT) within the same office by asking more technical support in areas of program design, resource mobilization and enhanced visibility,” he added. 

During the two day meeting, technical and support staff discussed topics including agriculture and livestock, socioeconomics, natural resources management and resilience, agricultural commercialization and cluster initiatives, rural employment and migration, integrated agro-industrial parks as well as operations, coordination, communication and management issues. 

Speaking at the meeting, His Excellency Dr Eyasu Abreha, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources said, “Agriculture plays a vital role in Ethiopia as 80 percent of the population relies on it for a living. Investing in agriculture means transforming the lives of a large proportion of the population.” 

Ethiopia is establishing integrated agro-industrial parks to accelerate the development of agro-industry sector and maximize the role of agriculture in the economic growth of the country. “Our agriculture sector is expected to provide inputs for nearly 70 industrial parks that we plan to achieve in the coming years,’ added Dr Eyasu. “Our agriculture should be therefore market-oriented and create job opportunities for young people.” 

Commenting on resilience, His Excellency said, “Our agriculture needs to be adapting to the changing climate. We must focus on climate smart agriculture to ensure the resilience of our agriculture.” And expressing the support his ministry expects from FAO, His Excellency said, “FAO needs to strengthen its support on agricultural mechanization, seed sector development, and crop protection.” 

Discussions with the Minister also highlighted issues related to policy, nutrition, export-led agriculture, import substitution, surplus production, small-scale mechanization, integrated pest management, market-led extension and cooperatives. 


Tamiru Legesse, National Communication Officer, FAO Ethiopia, [email protected]