FAO in Ethiopia

Ethiopia envisions Food Systems Transformation by 2030

Ethiopia envisions transforming the national food systems to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. ©FAO

Addis Ababa - On September 23, 2021, Ethiopia was among the 130 countries that expressed their commitment to transforming the national food systems to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

H.E. Ato Omer Hussein, Ethiopia’s Minister of Agriculture presented the country’s vision at the historic United Nations (UN) Food Systems Summit that was held in New York alongside the UN General Assembly.

“We will increase our production and productivity, and conserve our precious land and natural resources while protecting our most vulnerable. The upcoming decade will be one of prosperity for all Ethiopians”, he said.

Ethiopia envisions a holistic transformation of the country’s food systems from nature-positive production to sustainable consumption patterns that promote enhanced food safety, nutrition, and healthy diets. It also seeks to improve equitable livelihoods, land preservation, as well as resilience to shocks and stress. The country leverage strong collaboration across all food systems actors, uniting around a common goal of healthy and sustainable diets for all.

The vision is expressed in:

  1. The Technical Synthesis Paper, which summarizes the current state of Ethiopian Food Systems and introduces 22 game-changing solutions that form the basis of the food systems transformation;
  2. Ethiopia’s position statement endorsing the technical synthesis; and
  3. Roadmap, which presents implementation arrangements, timelines, roles, responsibilities, accountabilities, and resource requirements.

Ethiopia’s Food Systems vision was formulated through a phased and multi-sectoral process that included a high- level round table and three national dialogues. The process brought together over 120 stakeholders and leveraged the experiences of government departments, private sector corporations, universities and research institutes, civil society organizations, and multilateral and bilateral institutions.

Catherine Sozi, The UN Resident Coordinator in Ethiopia delegated Fatouma Seid, the FAO Representative in Ethiopia, to lead the coordination process with the Government of Ethiopia. H.E. Ato Omer Hussein, Minister of Agriculture, and H.E. Dr. Lia Tadesse, Minister of Health represented the Government and were the official national conveners.

Seid commended the outcome of the dialogues saying they created a space for stakeholders to reflect on the national food systems and contribute to developing the country's vision and pathwayson food system transformation.

She added that as a result, "FAO will align ongoing and future programmes to support the country achieve sustainable, resilient inclusive food systems”.

Ethiopia’s Food Systems vision is aligned with the Ten year Development Plan of Ethiopia: A Pathway to prosperity 2021-2030, and key national and sectoral frameworks and programs, including the: Homegrown Economic Reform; the national Food and Nutrition Policy and Strategy; The Ministry of Agriculture 10-year directive Plan; Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Strategy; the Disaster Risk Management Policy; Productive Safety Net Program; and the Seqota Declaration, among others.

About the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit

The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, called for the UN Food Systems Summit as a part of the Decade of Action for delivery on the SDGs by 2030. As a people’s and solutions summit, it aimed to deliver progress on all 17 SDGs and drive the recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic using a holistic food systems approach, and in an inclusive manner.

The Food System Summit was organized around 5 ‘Action-Tracks’ or key outcomes: (i) ensure safe and nutritious food for all; (ii) shift to sustainable consumption patterns (iii); boost nature positive production; (iv) advance equitable livelihoods; and (v) build resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks, and stresses.




Rachel Nandelenga

Communications Consultant

FAO Ethiopia

[email protected]



Tamiru Legesse

National Communication Officer

FAO Ethiopia

[email protected]
