FAO in Ethiopia

Ethiopia pilots “Tool” to assess the likelihood of introduction and impact of Avian Influenza and Rift Valley Fever

The workshop generated relevant data, information, and recommendations to manage and reduce risks at the animal-human-environment interfaces.©FAO

Addis Ababa - From 03 – 05 March 2021, FAO's Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases, in collaboration with John Hopkin's University Centre for Communication Program and WHO, convened a multi-sector workshop to assess the likelihood of introduction and impact of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Rift Valley Fever (RVF) in Ethiopia.

Twenty-five participants from The Ministries of Agriculture and Health, Wildlife, sub-national animal health and human health services, WHO, FAO, and other partners attended the meeting. Using the Tripartite Joint Risk Assessment (JRA) operational tool, participants worked in groups to jointly identify and assess risks associated with HPAI and RVF.

They generated relevant data, information, and recommendations to manage and reduce risks at the animal-human-environment interfaces.

The JRA tool provides decision-makers with scientifically sound advice to inform risk management and communication policies for an effective response to a zoonotic disease threat at the human-animal-environment interface.

Ministries and government agencies responsible for national control and management of zoonoses use the JRA Tool that was developed by WHO, FAO, and World Organization for Animal Health.




Rachel Nandelenga

Communications Consultant

FAO Ethiopia

[email protected]



Tamiru Legesse

National Communication Officer

FAO Ethiopia

[email protected]
