FAO in Ethiopia

Project list

Crop Production and Productivity

Comprehensive Assessment and identification of a management strategy for the carmine cochineal in cactus pearl in Tigray

Comprehensive Assessment and identification of a management strategy for the carmine cochineal in cactus pearl in Tigray

To enable a comprehensive and informed assessment of the current status of the carmine cochineal in cactus pear in Tigray by independent experts, which will form the basis for informed decision-making on the management of the cochineal.
Implementing period: 2/2/2015 - 4/30/2016.
Donor: FAO.
Code: TF FRETH OTCP140015027

Technical support for Agricultural Growth Programme

Technical support for Agricultural Growth Programme

The overall objective of this project is more effective, inclusive and country-owned livestock development and IPM programmes through strengthened national capacities Immediate objective 1: Improved human and organizational capacities to incorporate sustainable, intensified livestock production into integrated watershed development, in particular, by male and female smallholder farmers.
Implementing period: 6/1/2012 - 9/2/2016.
Donor: Ethiopia 100%(GAF - Global Agriculture and food security Program 0%)
Code: UTF/ETH/081/ETH

Youth mobility, food security and rural poverty reduction: fostering rural diversification through enhanced youth employment and better labour mobility

Youth mobility, food security and rural poverty reduction: fostering rural diversification through enhanced youth employment and better labour mobility

1) Improved knowledge and awareness on how to harness the potential of migration and economic mobility to promote youth employment in agriculture. 2) Improved policy coherence to better manage rural migration and facilitate opportunities for rural use in agriculture through seasonal migration and agro-entrepreneurship in Ethiopia.
Implementing period: 1/26/2015 - 12/31/2016.
Donor: Italy.
Code: GCP/INT/240/ITA

Africa's south-south cooperation facility for agriculture and food security

Africa's south-south cooperation facility for agriculture and food security

Strengthen Food and Nutrition Security in Africa and in particular, support the delivery of the Regional Initiatives (RIs) agreed by Member countries.
Implementing period: 3/19/2015 - 2/28/2017.
Donor: Multilateral, African Solidarity Trust Fund.
Code: GCP/RAF/495/MUL

Strengthening of Fruit and Cactus Pear Production in Tigray and North Wollo

Strengthening of Fruit and Cactus Pear Production in Tigray and North Wollo

To promote food security and poverty reduction of populations living in drought-prone areas by diversifying cropping patterns, promoting drought-resistant crops and alternative income-generating products though the improvement the production of quality fruits for local markets and exports in the future and enhance crop management of cactus pear at community level.
Implementing period: 5/15/2007 - 12/31/2016.
Donor: Italian Government.
Code: GCP/ETH/073/ITA

Reducing Food Losses through Improved Postharvest Management in Ethiopia Phase I

Reducing Food Losses through Improved Postharvest Management in Ethiopia Phase I

Contribute to improved food security of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia through reduction of crop postharvest losses at farm and primary cooperatives level.
Implementing period: 12/1/2013 - 11/30/2017.
Donor: Government of Switzerland.
Code: GCP/ETH/084/SWI

Support transition towards climate smart agriculture food system

Support transition towards climate smart agriculture food system

The project contributes to the overall development goal of the ECOWAP/CAADP RAIP to modernize the agricultural sector to achieve food security in the perspective of regional integration. The long-term impact will be a contribution towards the transformation of the agriculture sectors into one that has increased productivity and incomes and increased resilience to climate change; thereby contributing to reducing hunger and poverty in the target countries, and as such contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Implementing period: 12/1/2014 - 5/31/2017.
Donor: Norwegian Government.
Code: GCP/RAF/496/NOR

Rural Women Economic Empowerment

Rural Women Economic Empowerment

The overarching goal of this 5-year joint global programme is to secure rural women’s livelihoods and rights in the context of sustainable development and the post MDGs, based on four outcome areas: improved food and nutrition security; increased income to secure their livelihoods; enhanced leadership and participation in rural institutions and in shaping laws, policies and programmes; and gender responsive policy environments for the economic empowerment of rural women.
Implementing period: 9/15/2015 - 10/31/2017.
Donor: UNDP administered donor (joint trust Fund 100%).
Code: UNJP/ETH/091/UNJ

Integrated nutrition Services: Multisectoral Interventions to Improve Nutrition security and Strengthen resilience (EC project with UNICEP as AA)

Integrated nutrition Services: Multisectoral Interventions to Improve Nutrition security and Strengthen resilience (EC project with UNICEP as AA)

Household nutrition and dietary diversification practices improved, especially for adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, and children under 5, with a particular focus on the first 1000 days for enhanced resilience to nutrition insecurity.
Implementing period: 12/30/2014 - 10/31/2017.
Donor: UNICEF.
Code: UNJP/ETH/090/CEF

Livestock and Fisheries

Developing National Implementation Capacities for the Control of Tsetse and African Trypanosomosis (AAT) in Ethiopia

Objective: To support the Ethiopian Government to build planning and implementation national capacities to effectively control and eliminate AAT in the context of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, and enhance the effectiveness of the AAT intervention through better management and better use of AAT elimination tools.

Implementation period: July 2018 - June 2010

Donor: FAO

Code: TCP/ETH/3802






Improving Sanitary Capacity and Facilitating Export of Livestock and Livestock Products from Ethiopia

Objective: To build capacity of the competent authority to meet the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) requirements of potential and existing importing countries (mainly the Middle east and North Africa) to overall facilitate export of sheep, goat and cattle meat among the various livestock and meat sector value chain actors.

Implementing period: July 2018 - June 2021


Code: MTE/ETH/098/STF

Capacity development for the veterinary drug and animal feed administration and control authority (VDACA) and feed value chain Actors in Ethiopia

Capacity development for the veterinary drug and animal feed administration and control authority (VDACA) and feed value chain Actors in Ethiopia

To participate in developing standards, guidelines and capable to regulate feed safety and quality. In addition, can implement internationally accepted standards in the process of feed importation, manufacturing, marketing and utilization of commercial feed which is highly expected to improve competitiveness in the global market of Livestock commodities.
Implementing period: 3/2/2015 - 8/31/2016.
Donor: FAO
Code: TCP/ETH/3503

Pursuing Pastoral Resilience (PPR) through improved animal health service delivery in pastoral areas of Ethiopia

Pursuing Pastoral Resilience (PPR) through improved animal health service delivery in pastoral areas of Ethiopia

Improved food security and improved resilience to drought (and other natural disasters) in the pastoral lowland communities of Ethiopia. As well to reduced morbidity and mortality due to PPR and SGP among the small ruminant population owned by the pastoralist communities of Ethiopia.
Implementing period: 7/1/2014 - 11/25/2017.
Donor: European Union.
Code: GCP /ETH/083/EC

Support the Implementation of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) in Ethiopia through One Health approach (ECTAD PROGRAMME)


Support the Implementation of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) in Ethiopia through One Health approach (ECTAD PROGRAMME)

Objective: To support the country in moving from the current capacity level towards the target set in the GHSA Action Packages milestones.

Implementation Period: April 2016 - September 2019

Donor: USAID

Code: TF.FRETH.TFUS190015510.5696



Support MERS-CoV Surveillance in Dromedary Camels and Other Domestic Animals in Ethiopia (ECTAD PROGRAMME)


Support MERS-CoV Surveillance in Dromedary Camels and Other Domestic Animals in Ethiopia (ECTAD PROGRAMME)

Objective: To contribute to the foundational knowledge of epidemiology and ecology of MERS-CoV in camels in Ethiopia by understanding the spatio-temporal and seasonal changes in virus infection, full genome sequencing of PCR positive samples and characterization of the frequency and pattern of human-camel contact in the context of different farming systems.

Implementation period: April 2016 - September 2019

Donor: USAID

Code: TF.FRETH.TFUS190015525.5578 

Engaging the Food and Agriculture Sectors in Ethiopia in the Global Efforts to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Using a One Health Approach (ECTAD PROGRAMME)

Engaging the Food and Agriculture Sectors in Ethiopia in the Global Efforts to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Using a One Health Approach (ECTAD PROGRAMME)

Objective: To engage the food and agriculture sectors in Ethiopia in the Global Efforts to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance using a One Health Approach to minimize the transmission of antimicrobial resistant micro-organisms and/or determinants through the food chain and in the food and agriculture environment.   

Implementing period: March 2017 - March 2019

Donor: Fleming Fund, UK

Code: TF.FRETH.TFGBI10016515.5696

Strengthening Epidemio-surveillance Capabilities and Underlying Regulatory Frameworks in Eastern Africa (ECTAD PROGRAMME)

Strengthening Epidemio-surveillance Capabilities and Underlying Regulatory Frameworks in Eastern Africa (ECTAD PROGRAMME)

Objective: To enhance national surveillance capabilities, preparedness and response plans and to strengthen the policy frameworks supporting disease surveillance in four beneficiary countries in East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda).

Implementation period: January 2018 - January 2020

Donor: Defense Threat Reduction Agency (USDA-DTRA)

Code: East Africa Regional Project

Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050 (ECTAD PROGRAMME)

Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050 (ECTAD PROGRAMME)

Objective: To project the production and demand of livestock in Africa through 2050 and model the potential effects on public health, animal health, livelihoods, and the environment. ASL2050 works to maximize the positive economic and nutrition benefits of livestock intensification while minimizing the negative effects on public health, animal health, and the environment.  

Implementation period: June 2017 September 2019

Donor: USAID

Code: TF.FRETH.TFUS190016358.5696



Sustainable Natural Resources Management

Action Against Desertification (AAD) - Ethiopia

Objective - AAD - Ethiopia contributes to the realization of the continental programme - the "Great Green Wall Initiative for the Sahara and Sahel Initiative" and seeks to restore degraded landscapes and improve the livelihoods of local communities residing in the three weredas (districts) of Metema, Raya-Azebo and Golina of Amhara, Tigray and Afar Regions respectively. These communities will draw sustainable income from wood-and non-wood sources, such as gum Arabic and charcoal, livestock, lowland fruits, bee keeping, while they contribute to the restoration of over 1 500 hectares of degraded landscape of dry land areas. 

Implementation Period - March 2016 February 2019

Donor- European Union

Code - GCP/INT/157/EC

Website - http://www.fao.org/in-action/action-against-desertification/en/

Support to the regional initiative on resilience in the Sahel and Horn of Africa

Support to the regional initiative on resilience in the Sahel and Horn of Africa

The project aims to strengthen food and nutrition security in the Horn of Africa and Sahel regions.
Implementing period: 5/1/2015 - 1/15/2017.
Donor: FAO.
Code: TCP/RAF/3507

Capacity development for Agricultural innovation system (CDAIS)

Capacity development for Agricultural innovation system (CDAIS)

Objective: This action will support activities of the Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP) at global level to synthesize and further develop approaches and methods of CD for AIS at the different individual, organisational and institutional levels, and including methods for needs assessment, implementation and evaluation. The action will then test and validate these methods with actions focused on specific innovation partnerships and value chains in eight countries, which will open opportunities to eventually improve the livelihoods and capacity to innovate of smallholder farmers and others who belong to the selected partnerships.
Implementing period: 1/1/2015 - 12/31/2018.
Donor: European Union.
Code: GCP/GLO/626/EC

Crop - Livestock

Scaling up community based nutrition (CBN) and hygiene interventions in Amahara and SNNP Regions through Strengthened inter-sectoral collaboration for optimal nutrition outcomes

Scaling up community based nutrition (CBN) and hygiene interventions in Amahara and SNNP Regions through Strengthened inter-sectoral collaboration for optimal nutrition outcomes

To contribute to the attainment of national targets for stunting and underweight prevalence reduction and improved maternal nutritional status.
Implementing period: 11/1/2014 - 6/30/2017.
Code: UNJP/ETH/087/CEF

Implementation of National Forest monitoring and MRV system for REDD+readiness in Ethiopia

Implementation of National Forest monitoring and MRV system for REDD+readiness in Ethiopia

Strengthening national ownership and policy environment and promoting more systematic engagement of civil society, the private sector, and local communities for sustainable management and utilization of forest resources.
Implementing period: 8/29/2014 - 12/31/2016.
Donor: Ethiopia (IBRD 0%).
Code: UTF/ETH/086/ETH

Cross Sector Issues

Strengthening institutionalized subnational coordination structures and harmonization mechanisms

Strengthening institutionalized subnational coordination structures and harmonization mechanisms

The specific objective of the SHARE Ethiopia programme is to enhance drought resilience and improve food and nutrition security of vulnerable populations in the identified EU Clusters located in southern and eastern Ethiopia through a set of complementary interventions.
Implementing period: 11/1/2014 - 9/30/2017.
Donor: EU(EDF).
Code: GCP/ETH/089/EC

Monitoring water productivity by remote sensing as a tool to assess possibilities to reduce water productivity gaps

Monitoring water productivity by remote sensing as a tool to assess possibilities to reduce water productivity gaps

An action framework to provide workable solutions, available for stakeholders at different scales -from the policy level to the farm level-, to sustainably increase agricultural land and water productivity. The framework will be based on robust state of the art Remote Sensing and Information and Communication Technologies to assess the terrestrial soil water balance and related biomass production to monitor agricultural land and water productivity, as well as the uptake of carbon dioxide by vegetation.
Implementing period: 3/20/2015 - 2/28/2019.
Donor: The Netherlands.
Code: GCP/INT/229/NET