The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

About FAST

Foot-and-mouth and similar transboundary animal diseases  

A number of transboundary animal diseases (TADs) similar to foot-and-mouth disease threaten Europe and neighhbouring countries. During the 171st session of the FAO Council, held in December 2022, amendments to the constitution of the EuFMD were approved. The EuFMD mandate now includes FMD And Similar Transboundary animal diseases - FAST. The priority disease remains FMD. 

A categorization of FAST is proposed as follows:  

Category 1: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), and currently peste des petits ruminants (PPR), and diseases caused by capripoxviruses. 

Criteria for inclusion:   

  • ruminant infections with similar risk factors to FMD; 
  • currently present in directly bordering neighbourhood countries; 
  • vaccination is an option. 

Category 2: Rift Valley fever (RVF).  

Criteria for inclusion:  

  • evidence for circulation /disease in one or more neighbourhood countries but not directly bordering European Member Nations; 
  • vaccination is needed in response; 
  • ruminants are directly affected with major losses. 

Category 3: Not included in the above because:  

  • they currently cause outbreaks in European Member Nations and the priority is not therefore for actions in the European neighbourhood; 
  • coordination is well established at European level.