The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

Special Committee on Biorisk Management - kick-off meeting of the Tier D Community of Practice

29/02/2024 -

The “Minimum Biorisk Management Standards for foot-and-mouth disease laboratories” (MBRMS), describe a set of necessary precautions to be taken by FMD laboratories (including animal facilities) in the EuFMD Member Nations, to avoid an escape of virus.

In 2022, a Special Session of EuFMD Member Nations adopted an amended constitution which indicates new obligations on Member Nations, including that all laboratories for foot-and-mouth disease operate in accordance with the Minimum Biorisk Management Standards, published and regularly updated by the EuFMD Commission.  

To assist Member Nations with the implementation of MBRMS, the EUFMD work programme for 2023 – 2027 includes the establishment of a platform for the exchange of good practices and discussion of issues related to FAST laboratory biosafety and biosecurity. 

To achieve this, the EuFMD Secretariat, working with the Special Committee for Biorisk Management (SCBRM), has agreed to establish a biorisk community of practice (CoP). This CoP will provide a means for appraising Tier D laboratories against the MBRMS. The CoP will also afford better channels of communication and opportunities for networking between biorisk officers (BROs) working in Tier D laboratories – facilitating the sharing of information on issues and best practices.

All the BROs of Tier D facilities in EuFMD Member Nations are invited to be a part of this CoP. 

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