The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

Syndromic Surveillance (SyS) for early detection and control of foot-and-mouth and similar transboundary animal diseases

13/05/2024 - 15/05/2024
Amman, Jordan

The Move FAST strategy of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD) has three main objectives: to protect the livestock sector in EuFMD member nations from the rapid introduction and spread of diseases, to respond effectively to crises, and to improve the resilience of the livestock sector in member nations and neighbouring countries against spreading of FAST diseases and to efficiently control the rapid spread of diseases in high-risk areas and reduce their impact on the livestock.

As part of the previous EuFMD workplan, a three-phase project was implemented in collaboration with SAFOSO AG. The project's goal was to introduce syndromic surveillance systems in the European neighbourhood to enhance early detection as part of the EuFMD risk reduction programme.

During the project, the first phase involved conducting a literature review to gain insights into the current state of global veterinary Syndromic Surveillance (SyS). In the second phase, a regional workshop was organized to introduce SyS to countries in the Near East region. Jordan was selected as a pilot country for developing a SyS specifically for FAST diseases. Consequently, in the third phase of the project, two workshops were held in Jordan to provide support in designing a customized SyS for the country.

Throughout the two workshops conducted in Jordan, the surveillance objectives, syndromes, data source(s), data collection mechanisms, and data analysis approaches for the Syndromic Surveillance (SyS) system were effectively defined. Additionally, a comprehensive roadmap was developed, outlining the essential steps for designing and implementing the SyS pilot project in Jordan. This roadmap encompassed crucial aspects such as legal, institutional, and technical considerations.

The main objective of the mission is to follow up on the developments in establishing syndromic surveillance in Jordan and specifically aim to:

  • discuss the plan to strengthen the enforcement of existing legislations regarding: 1) reporting system, 2) data sharing and 3) private veterinary association contribution to SyS;
  • explore approaches to effectively engage the stakeholders and data providers identified throughout the project, and review the communication strategy aimed at involving them;
  • follow up with the establishing the Steering Committee to oversee the implementation and management of the SyS and a technical committee for technical support, and to empower them in their functions;
  • explore the progress made in customizing the SyS with the existing EIDSS;
  • plan for the next steps.
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