The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

Downloadable resources

These open-access documents are freely downloadable and available in multiple languages.




25 February 2022
This leaflet contains important information about Rift Valley Fever (RVF). The risk of RVF transmission is highest following periods of heavy rains or flooding. The disease is spread by mosquitoes and affects animals and humans.  ...
07 June 2021
This leaflet is aimed at FMD-endemic countries and outlines what foot-and-mouth disease is and the actions to take...
07 June 2021
Cette brochure explique brièvement ce qu'est la fièvre aphteuse et donne des instructions sur la façon de traiter la maladie...
01 November 2019
Cette brochure aide les professionelles de la fièvre aphteuse à comprendre et utilizer le protocol des Lateral Flow Devices (LFDs).
01 November 2019
This leaflet aims to help FMD practitioners understand and apply the protocol for using Lateral Flow Devices (LFDs) in Foot-and-Mouth Disease...