The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

Downloadable resources

These open-access documents are freely downloadable and available in multiple languages.




18 April 2023
This flyer provides an update of the SAT2 Emergency situation in Türkiye with technical information on the steps taken so far and useful resources on clinical diagnosis, transmission and vaccination.  
16 February 2023
This flyer explains the main clinical signs and routes of transmission of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD).
21 November 2022
Addressed to farmers and practitioners, this poster aims to raise awareness on the main clinical signs and routes of transmission of Sheep Pox and Goat Pox...
13 May 2022
This leaflet is intended for farmers and practitioners. Its aim is to raise awareness on the main clinical signs and routes of transmission of PPR and increase active surveillance...
12 May 2022
This leaflet is intended for farmers and practitioners. Its aim is to raise awareness on the main clinical signs and routes of transmission of PPR and increase active...