Move FAST strategy (2023–2027)
The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease is committed to counter the threat of Foot-and-mouth and Similar Transboundary Animal Diseases (FAST). Our vision is to ensure a safer Europe from FAST diseases, maintaining, rapidly regaining, or achieving freedom from these diseases in Member Nations.
The Move FAST strategy is designed to achieve this mission through three Focus Objectives: Protect, Respond, and Control. These objectives are supported by seven key Action Areas aimed at enhancing preparedness, response capabilities, and disease control measures.
Focus Objectives and Action Areas:
- FO1 - Improved protection of livestock sector in EuFMD Member Nations from FAST introduction and spread.
- FO2 - Adequate capacities to respond to crises and improved resilience of livestock sector to FAST diseases in Member Nations.
- FO3 - Greater control of FAST diseases in risk areas to reduce the spread of diseases and their impact on livestock sector
The strategy is based on eight principles, which are coordination, collaboration, communication, resource mobilization, partnering, digitalization, science and innovation, and efficiency and inclusiveness.