The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD)

Standing Committee on Prequalification of Vaccines against FAST diseases

The Standing Committee on Prequalification of Vaccines against FAST diseases (SCPQv) acts as the oversight, governance and final decision-making committee for the PQv procedure operated by the EuFMD, to provide independent assurance of the quality of vaccines against FAST diseases.

Members nominated by Member Nations with expertise in FAST vaccine production, control and use 

Gàbor Kulcsàr (Chairperson)


Director National Food Chain Safety Office, Directorate of Veterinary Medical Products

Ronan O'Neill


Head of Virology Division, Central Veterinary Research Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Ioana Neghirla


Head of Disease Control Department, National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority

Tamaš Petrović 


Director Deputy for Research, Coordinator of the Team for International collaboration in Institute, Head and Senior Researcher in the Department of Virology

Rosario Bullido Gómez-Heras


Head of BIO-IVMP Assessment Unit, Veterinary Medicines Department, Medicines and Medical Devices Spanish Agency

Musa Alkan


GMP Inspector, Vaccine specialist, General Directorate Food and Control

Members nominated by Member Nations on the basis of specific expertise

Two experts from FMD Reference Laboratories in Member Nations of EuFMD with experience of quality control of FAST vaccines.  




Aldo Dekker 

The Netherlands

Senior Scientist, Wageningen BioVeterinary Research (WBVR)

David Paton

United Kingdom

Adviser to the World Reference Laboratory for Foot-and-Mouth Disease, The Pirbright Institute

Two experts from national medicines regulatory authorities in member nations of EuFMD with expertise in evaluation and authorization of FAST vaccines. 




Caroline Guittré 


Rapporteur Veterinary Immunologicals team, Scientific Assessment Department, French agency for veterinary medicinal products

Sharon Reynolds

United Kingdom (VMD)

Head of the Biological Assessment Team

 Permanent observers

  • FAO animal production and health division (NSAH) and FAO procurement service (CSLP). 
  • European Union, European Commission and European Medicines Agency. 
  • WOAH  
  • WHO 
  • Pan African Veterinary Vaccine Centre of the African Union (AU-PANVAC)