FAO and EU Partnership

Enhancing National Capacities to Support the Adoption, Production, and Use of Food Security and Nutrition Indicators - GCP/GLO/043/EC

©FAO/Maximiliano Valencia

Project's full title Enhancing National Capacities to Support the Adoption, Production, and Use of Food Security and Nutrition Indicators - GCP/GLO/043/EC
Start date 01/03/2020
End date 28/01/2023
Status Closed
Donor European Union
Budget USD 2 699 083
Project Code GCP/GLO/043/EC
Objective / Goal The project successfully enhanced the capacities of food security and nutrition statisticians and analysts in many countries to collect, analyze and interpret relevant data to compute food security indicators. Valuable technical support was provided for the adoption and use of survey modules to monitor food insecurity in already existing surveys implemented by national and international organizations. This reinforced food security monitoring tools at country level and created connections among different initiatives. The COVID-19 pandemic made it necessary to change the envisaged schedule of data collection activities in many countries in the world, among other key activities. Despite these constraints, consistent developments were achieved thanks to the many actions initiated at country, regional and international level to evaluate and monitor the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food security. Activities directed to support national statistical offices and governmental institutions were delivered through online/remote technical collaboration. Many countries were supported and trained in food consumption and/or Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) data analysis and dissemination in order to compute food security indicators, with over 800 officers participating in the training sessions. The capacity building provided by the project built knowledge and consensus at country and regional levels among key government ministries, development partners and other stakeholders on methodologies and tools, and the interpretation and use of food security and nutrition indicators, based on data collected through the population surveys.
Partners National Statistical Offices (NSOs); Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) governance bodies; line ministries (agriculture, planning, health, social development); governmental and non governmental institutions involved in food security and nutrition; FAO Country and Regional Offices, and Resilience Hubs; World Food Programme (WFP); World Bank (WB); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); International Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and other international organizations.
Beneficiaries Food insecure populations; national statistical offices; line ministries; governmental and non-governmental institutions involved in food security monitoring.
  • Assessment of capacity-development needs performed in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, the Near East, and Central Asia.
  • 82 country-driven initiatives of FIES and/or food consumption (FC) data collection supported in 62 countries.
  • 76 FIES and/or FC workshops/analysis implemented with more than 800 analysts, involving over 65 countries.
  • FIES data collected through selected service provider and analyzed for 115 countries in 2021/22 and 132 countries in 2022/23.
  • Advocacy and awareness-raising initiatives implemented in 22 countries and in regional forums.
Impact The project provided substantial support in monitoring SDG target 2.1, through data collection, analysis, and the dissemination of estimates informing food security indicators, together with capacity building. In this way, the project contributed to achieving SDG 2 by making available information to drive policies and interventions to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
Contact Jose Rosero Moncayo (Budget Holder) [email protected]