FAO and EU Partnership

Fighting Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought through the Action Against Desertification - GCP/INT/157/EC

Project's full title Fighting Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought through the Action Against Desertification - GCP/INT/157/EC
Countries Burkina Faso Ethiopia Gambia Haiti Niger Nigeria Senegal
Start date 01/07/2014
End date 31/08/2020
Status Closed
Donor European Union
Recipient / Target Areas Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gambia, Haiti, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal
Budget EUR 4 167 000 (Caribbean and Pacific Component) - EUR 15 763 479 (Africa Component)
Project Code GCP/INT/157/EC
Objective / Goal The first project Result focused on creating an enabling environment and building capacities to manage land and forests sustainably. This Result was achieved through a series of awareness-raising and capacity-development activities. In total, 40 112 beneficiaries were reached through 329 workshops and training sessions in the eight beneficiary countries. The goal of Result 2 was to introduce improved sustainable land and forest management practices and technologies and to ensure that they were adopted and utilized. A total of 63 763 ha of degraded land were restored in the beneficiary countries with these practices and technologies. In the targeted African countries, the planting that occurred under this Result supported the implementation of the Great Green Wall (GGW), an Africa-led initiative to plant 8 000 km of trees that stretch across the Sahel. The final Result sought to raise awareness of the AAD in OACPS countries and in the European Union, with a particular focus on the causes of and ways to combat desertification and land degradation and how to improve resilience to climate change. Under this Result, the visibility of the project was raised through a significant number of publications, videos, broadcasts, articles, and other informational and promotional materials.
Partners National ministries in charge of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) implementation; the ACP Secretariat (now the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States [OACPS]); the Secretariat of the Pacific Community; Caribbean Community; South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; Non-governmental organizations; the African Union Commission; Global Mechanism of the UNCCD; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; and Walloon Region/Wallonie Bruxelles International.
Beneficiaries National and local administrations; Local communities, including women and youth; Civil society organizations, including non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations and producers’ organizations; Technical and financial partners; and Key global and regional political and strategic actors.
  • Capacities were assessed, and capacity-development strategies were developed and implemented.
  • Integrated public/private investment approaches were formulated.
  • Good practices in sustainable land management (SLM) were disseminated.
  • Knowledge products for a variety of different audiences were created and distributed widely.
  • Policy briefings were developed and dispatched.
  • A dedicated Web site and social media accounts were set up, and events were organized to share information about the AAD.
  • National communication plans were developed and implemented for each country.
Impact By improving the conditions and productivity of agrosylvipastoral landscapes affected by DLDD, the results of the project are expected to contribute to poverty alleviation, reduce hunger and improve resilience to climate change in the targeted OACPS countries.
Contact Moctar Sacande (International Projects Coordinator) - [email protected]
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