FAO and EU Partnership

Mainstreaming the National Land Consolidation Programme in North Macedonia - GCP/MCD/002/EC

Project's full title Mainstreaming the National Land Consolidation Programme in North Macedonia - GCP/MCD/002/EC
Countries European Union North Macedonia
Start date 01/03/2017
End date 30/11/2022
Status Closed
Donor European Union
Recipient / Target Areas North Macedonia
Budget USD 2 860 000
Project Code GCP/MCD/002/EC
Partners Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE)
Beneficiaries Staff of MAFWE and other institutions, such as Agency for Real Estate Cadastre (AREC), and National Extension Agency (NEA); private geodetic companies; municipal authorities; Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) representing agricultural landowners and farmers, rural households, farmers and landowners within each of the land consolidation project areas
  • Awareness on land consolidation raised through public awareness campaigns, community meetings, direct visits to rural communities, as well as publication/broadcasting of over 1 000 news articles/items.
  • Legal framework for land consolidation enhanced and detailed procedures for implementation of all phases of land consolidation prepared.
  • Training on all aspects of land consolidation provided for 125 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE) employees, 24 National Extension Agency (NEA) staff, 20 specialists from other public agencies, and 45 experts from private sector.
  • Implementation of land consolidation projects on the ground, involving more than 6 200 farmers/landowners in the feasibility phase and 2 550 farmers/landowners in the re-allotment phase, achieved through: i) preparation of Countrywide Feasibility Assessment for land consolidation; ii) selection of 21 potential land consolidation project areas; iii) preparation of 14 feasibility studies for particular land consolidation areas; iv) preparation of nine re-allotment plans and technical designs for improvement of agricultural infrastructure (for majority-based land consolidation projects); v) adoption of seven re-allotment plans by landowners/ farmers; and vi) construction of agricultural infrastructure (drainage and irrigation networks and access roads) in one land consolidation project area.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for measuring benefits of land consolidation at both Land Consolidation Programme and project level developed, as well as digital tools, providing basis for monitoring of land consolidation projects and the National Land Consolidation Programme.
Impact Over 6 200 farmers and landowners were provided with an opportunity to enhance competitiveness and improve their farm holdings through land consolidation, while 2 550 landowners/farmers in nine land consolidation areas directly benefited in terms of improved land structure, reduced land fragmentation and improved access to agricultural infrastructure, including 630 female beneficiaries. The municipalities in areas where land consolidation was implemented benefited from the improved agriculture infrastructure, as well as better livelihood opportunities for the inhabitants in the selected rural communities.
Contact FAO Project Office in North Macedonia - [email protected]
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