Asociación FAO y UE

Strengthening Fisheries Management Regional Processes in the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic Region - GCP/RAF/522/EC

Título completo del proyecto Strengthening Fisheries Management Regional Processes in the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic Region - GCP/RAF/522/EC
Fecha de inicio 01/01/2021
Fecha de finalización 31/12/2022
Estado Closed
Donante Unión Europea
Código de proyecto GCP/RAF/522/EC
Objetivo / Meta The project successfully supported the organization of the CECAF intersessional follow-up meeting on the outcomes of the independent CBA report, and the implementation of the Ninth Session of the SSC of the CECAF. The follow-up meeting on the revised independent CBA report was attended by 15 delegates representing CECAF Members. The delegates welcomed the report and its options, and the highlighting of the CECAF’s key challenges. They made key recommendations, as well as recommending the most appropriate option to improve the functioning of the CECAF. During the Ninth Session of the SSC the major items covered included, among others, the reports produced on the assessment of the Working Groups (WGs) concerned with small pelagic and demersal species, and the report of the artisanal fisheries WG; and fishery management advice in the CECAF region. The SSC made recommendations for the WGs that needed corrective measures or strengthening. The resolutions proposed were shared in draft form by the 38 representatives from 18 CECAF Members and non-state stakeholders who attended the Ninth Session of the SSC, for immediate implementation. The draft report of the findings and recommendations of the CECAF CBA study was prepared and presented to CECAF Members. Once the report has been finalized (in both French and English) it will be uploaded on the CECAF website for use by stakeholders.
Socios Regional Fisheries Bodies and Regional Economic Communities.

CECAF Members.

  • Intersessional follow-up meeting on outcomes of independent CBA report held in Dakar, Senegal, 28-29 June 2022, and report presented to 15 delegates representing CECAF Members.
  • Delegates recommended that CECAF adopt Option A – “Maintaining CECAF as an Article VI advisory body – mainly for coastal living resources”; and actions and interventions were put forward to support Option A.
  • Ninth Session of SSC of CECAF organized in Nouakchott, Mauritania, 5-9 December 2022, attended by 38 representatives from 18 CECAF Members, and from other leading fisheries bodies.
  • Assessments and management advice from five WGs: i) Small Pelagic Working Group North; ii) Small Pelagic Working Group South; iii) Demersal resources Working Group North; iv) Demersal resources Working Group South; and v) Artisanal Fisheries Working Group for the CECAF region, which guided formulation of advice on fishery management measures in CECAF region to be presented at Twenty-Third CECAF Session for adoption.
  • Revision of independent study on CBA of the options for strategic reorientation of the CECAF ₋ “Revised independent study to identify different options in support of an improved functioning of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF)” ₋ completed and presented at intersessional meeting of CECAF.
Impacto The project interventions contributed to improving the processes through which the CECAF provides scientific advice. It is expected that this will contribute to sustainable regional fisheries governance in the CECAF mandate area. This, in turn, will assist agencies, countries and dependent communities to use existing and emerging knowledge, tools and practices to secure and sustainably maximize the contribution of aquatic (both marine and inland) food systems to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Contactos FAO Regional Office for Africa - [email protected]