Evaluation at FAO

Twitter chat on evaluation for climate action


Join a Twitter chat hosted by the EvalForward Community of Practice on 10 March at 15:00 to 15:30 CET / 09:00 ET on evaluation for climate action.

The chat will highlight the role of evaluation in providing evidence to climate change action and to talk about the key messages of our post COP26 dialogue held in December.

1. Evaluation can play a key role in climate change negotiations
2. Evaluation is the solution to impact washing: climate promises must be assessed for their true impact
3. To save the planet, decision makers need to draw on the best evidence
4. Common standards must be set to measure the progress of climate action

The Twitter chat will be hosted by @Eval_Forward on Twitter

Read all the questions and replies


Q1: Why is evaluation important in climate change efforts?

Q2: What are the challenges in evaluating climate change impacts?

Q3: How can evaluators play a stronger role in climate negotiations?

Q4: What is the main contribution evaluation can bring to Climate Action?

  • Inform negotiations with stronger evidence
  • Help address impact washing
  • Help decision makers understand and use best evidence
  • Contribute to common standards to measure progress  
  • All of the above

Join the chat @Eval_Forward on Twitter and follow with #EvalChat