Evaluation at FAO

Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Bolivia

Evaluation of FAO’s country programme in Bolivia

The main aim of the country programme evaluation is to provide inputs for the elaboration of the new Country Programme Framework in Bolivia, taking into account the country’s development priorities, as well as FAO’s strategies and policies. The overall objective of the evaluation is to systematize and validate the most relevant results and the factors that contribute to them for consideration in the next programming cycle.

The evaluation will seek to answer the following questions:

  • To what extent does the FAO programme align with national priorities and needs?
  • What are the CPF main results?
  • What actions, projects, and initiatives contributed to the results?
  • What factors, lessons, and practices contributed to the results?
  • To what extent were gender, generational, and indigenous issues taken into account in the design and implementation of the country programme?
  • What are the intended and unintended results regarding gender equality and indigenous people’s inclusion?
  • What are the potential courses of action for the next programming cycle?