Evaluation at FAO


Evaluation of FAO’s Country Programme in Comoros

The evaluation of the FAO country program in Comoros was carried out between October 2021 and January 2022 with the main objective of evaluating the Country Programming Framework (CPF) 2018-2021 in view of the new programming cycle.

FAO has implemented various projects that have strengthened the livelihoods of vulnerable populations, in particular through support for farmer field schools and the establishment of family poultry houses. However, FAO interventions seem to lose visibility in recent years due to a very small country team. Despite the participatory approach adopted, the island institutions were not sufficiently involved in the formulation and implementation of the programme.

In addition to strengthening its presence in the Comoros, FAO should promote greater national ownership of the CPF, review its national capacity building strategy, strengthen its partnerships with other key actors and develop projects for the integration of women and young people in the agricultural sector.