Evaluation at FAO

Afghanistan - An Afghan farmer harvesting a wheat field, grown from certified seeds distributed by FAO, in Barmazid village of Balkh district.

Evaluation of FAO’s contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

There is more than enough food produced today to feed every last one of us. Yet between 691 and 783 million people faced hunger in 2022. 

Malnutrition, meanwhile, is taking a heavy toll across developing and developed nations. While stunting -- low height for age -- is slowly decreasing, more than two billion adults, adolescents and children are now obese or overweight. The consequences are severe for public health, for national wealth, and for individuals' and communities' quality of life.

These worrying trends coincide with the diminishing availability of land; increasing soil and biodiversity degradation; and more frequent and severe weather events. The impact of climate change on agriculture compounds the situation.

The SDG2 Evaluation will adopt a formative lens to:

  • Assess FAO’s past and present work on SDG2-related areas to identify good practices that should be expanded, areas for improvement, and potential gaps that need to be filled.
  • Understand FAO’s positioning and its comparative strengths and weaknesses on SDG2, and opportunities for strengthening its delivery.
  • Explore the best options going forward to strengthen FAO’s approach, partnerships and programmes in support of SDG2.
  • Serve as a baseline for future assessments pertaining FAO’s support to SDG2.