Evaluation at FAO

© FAO:Walter Astrada

Evaluation of FAO’s Subregional Office for the Caribbean 2018–2022

This evaluation assesses the strategic relevance and contribution of FAO in the Caribbean. It focuses on how FAO, within its mandate, responds to national and subregional needs and challenges. The evaluation covers the period from January 2018 to June 2022. It identifies conclusions and recommendations to inform the planning of FAO’s future engagement in the subregion.

The evaluation found that FAO’s presence in the Caribbean is of strategic importance due to its global, technical expertise and comparative advantage. Food systems development in the Caribbean is FAO’s strength. In fact, a limited number of partners operate in this thematic area within the region. The evaluation also found that leadership, relationship building and communication were significant elements in cultivating FAO’s relevance and effectiveness. Nevertheless, an inadequate and understaffed human resources situation at the FAO Subregional Office for the Caribbean, challenges in operating multicountry offices – particularly under complex administrative and operational procedures – and imbalanced collaboration with the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean constrain the Organization’s contribution to the subregion’s development process.

This evaluation recommends that FAO:

  • enhance its administrative and operational efficiency
  • further implement regional structure reforms, considering the specific limitations and opportunities of the FAO Subregional Office for the Caribbean
  • review the current mechanisms and processes that support the Caribbean countries
  • implement a portfolio development strategy that targets response quality to country priorities, work continuity in thematic areas and geographic coverage, considering the absorptive capacity of both countries and partner organizations
  • consider liaison alternatives with countries that do not have a resident representative
  • bolster a collaborative working culture among FAO Subregional Office for the Caribbean personnel.