Evaluation at FAO

© FAO:Santiago Billy

Office of Evaluation Trust Fund Guide

FAO’s Office of Evaluation strives to generate evidence and recommendations that inform thinking, deliberations and, ultimately, decisions of FAO, Members, donors, partners, and others seeking to support the 2030 Agenda.

All work of FAO is subject to evaluation, whether financed from FAO’s regular budget or voluntarily contributed extra-budgetary resources. The Trust Fund Guide updates evaluation rules and contributions to the OED Trust Fund in alignment with the OED evaluation strategy approved by FAO’s governing bodies.

Key changes include:

  • The new evaluation threshold is USD 6.2 million, replacing the USD 4 million threshold established in 2007. At a minimum, the threshold will be adjusted annually for inflation.
  • OED will assess all projects above the evaluation threshold to decide, in consultation with the project team, whether an evaluation will be conducted.
Office of Evaluation Trust Fund Guide

This document provides guidelines that govern the Trust Fund. It has been updated to align with the evaluation strategy.

Evaluation Trust Fund Guide - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions on the OED Trust Fund Guide.

FAO Evaluation Strategy 2023-2025

An Interim Strategy for OED to build an architecture for excellence in supporting Management and Members’ culture of evidence in decision-making.