

混合事件, 15/06/2023 - 16/06/2023




  1. 重申作为全球可持续发展目标的一部分,亟需消除饥饿和营养不良,强调议员能够发挥关键作用,采用促进性别平等的方法,确保粮食安全和营养。
  2. 确定并分享在消除饥饿和营养不良方面行之有效或有望取得成效的良好做法,特别是在制定创新立法方面。
  3. 确定议会在粮食安全和营养方面进一步采取行动的关键重点领域。
  4. 在议员之间就是否需要在重点领域采取行动达成共识,(通过一项协定)推动做出更广泛的政治承诺,并为此类行动提供支持,包括支持议会努力制定有力、一致且全面的法律政策框架,促进更广泛改善粮食安全和营养。












    Parliamentary alliances against hunger and malnutrition. First Global Parliamentary Summit. Madrid, October 2018



    Legislative developments and challenges in the time of COVID-19. The parliamentary sector as a key stakeholder in building a new normal



    世界粮食安全 和营养状况2022


    Food Systems and Nutrition - Handbook for Parliamentarians no. 32




    Right to adequate food in constitutions - Legislative approaches to improve nutrition: Legal brief for parliamentarians in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 1



    Framework laws on the right to adequate food - Legal brief for parliamentarians in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 2




    Legislating for adequate food and nutrition in schools: Legal brief for parliamentarians in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 3 


    Enabling legal environment for the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forestry: Legal brief for parliamentarians in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 4


    Enabling legal environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems: Legal brief for parliamentarians in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 5


    Legislative approaches to improve nutrition: Legal brief for parliamentarians in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 6


    Legal measures to eradicate rural poverty: Legal brief for parliamentarians in Latin America and the Caribbean No. 7


    Responsible investments in agriculture and food systems - A practical handbook for parliamentarians and parliamentary advisors



    联合国家庭农业十年 (2019-2028 年)


    Legislative and Regulatory Frameworks for Family Farming 
