Evidence platform for agrifood systems and nutrition

The 105 recommendations of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN) are categorized under 7 focus areas and several thematic sub-sections. You can browse the recommendations from the "Focus Areas" section, by navigating the focus and sub-focus areas' menu, or by doing a free search by key terms.

Free search VGFSyN recommendation text
This platform provides evidence and tools to support governments and stakeholders in the uptake of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). This platform was developed by FAO in collaboration with UN Nutrition, to facilitate the implementation of the 105 VGFSyN recommendations for action aiming at achieving sustainable agrifood systems, enabling healthy diets and improving nutrition.

FAO encourages the use of the VGFSyN by its Members in conjunction with other specialized science and evidence-based standards, normative guidelines and tools that provide further explanation and detail for action for each of the 105 VGFSyN recommendations. This platform presents relevant published documents that are accessible online and have been mapped against individual recommendations.

The VGFSyN presents a set of 105 recommendations that help ensure that diets needed for adequate nutrition are accessible, available, affordable, safe and of adequate quality and quantity, conforming with beliefs, culture and traditions, dietary habits, and preferences of individuals, in accordance with national and international laws and obligations. 
The objective of the VGFSyN is to contribute to achieving sustainable food systems and improved nutrition, recalling that transformation of food systems should be encouraged in a coherent manner, as appropriate and in accordance with and dependent on national contexts and capacities, in accordance with the three dimensions of sustainable development.
Recognizing that good nutrition starts with what we eat, FAO applauds the goal of the VGFSyN to provide guidance to help countries and other relevant stakeholders to operationalize the recommendations of the Framework for Action, which was endorsed at the Second International Conference on Nutrition, and contribute to the implementation of the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.