Evidence platform for agrifood systems and nutrition

Focus Area 3.1 Transparent, democratic and accountable governance
Sub-focus Area 3.1.2 Strengthening multisectoral, multistakeholder and multilevel coordination and actions

Recommendation Number: 3.1.2.a

Governments, intergovernmental organizations and development partners, across sectors at all levels, should work to enable healthy diets and improved nutrition through sustainable food systems, strengthened policy and legal frameworks and institutional capacities that address the multiple causes and consequences of malnutrition in all its forms and food-related economic, social and environmental challenges. This coordination should establish and/or strengthen multisectoral, multilevel and multistakeholder mechanisms(*1) that oversee the design and implementation of evidence- and science-based, context specific policies, strategies, and interventions respecting cultural diversity that contribute to improved nutrition outcomes at national, sub-national and local levels.

(*1) Further information about multistakeholder partnerships can be found in expert publication HLPE report on Multistakeholder partnerships to finance and improve food security and nutrition in the framework of the 2030 Agenda (2018).

The identified documents have been grouped into four categories: UN evidence-informed documents, UN normative guidance documents, UN operational/technical guidance documents and other documents that have been published by non-UN bodies.