Evidence platform for agrifood systems and nutrition

Focus Area 3.2 Sustainable food supply chains to achieve healthy diets in the context of economic, social and environmental sustainability, and climate change
Sub-focus Area 3.2.4 Improving food storage, processing, packaging, transformation and reformulation

Recommendation Number: 3.2.4.a

Governments, private sector, and other stakeholders should, where appropriate, invest in infrastructure (e.g. storage facilities, transport infrastructure, physical markets and market information systems) and logistical support to prevent postharvest loss and waste and support the ability of food producers, including smallholders and micro, small and medium-size enterprises to deliver diverse, perishable and safe food to local, regional, international markets in sustainable ways, in accordance with paragraph 41, 45 and 3.1.1c.

The identified documents have been grouped into four categories: UN evidence-informed documents, UN normative guidance documents, UN operational/technical guidance documents and other documents that have been published by non-UN bodies.