Evidence platform for agrifood systems and nutrition

Focus Area 3.7 Resilient food systems in humanitarian contexts
Sub-focus Area 3.7.1 Protecting the most vulnerable to malnutrition in humanitarian contexts

Recommendation Number: 3.7.1.c

Governments, with the support of intergovernmental organizations and international assistance and cooperation where appropriate, should ensure safe and unhindered access to safe and nutritious food and nutritional support for refugees, internally displaced people, host communities, and asylum seekers in their territory, in accordance with governments’ obligations under relevant international agreed instruments. This could include using local and sustainably produced food, when possible and when conditions permit. Governments should have, in accordance with national priorities and capacities, emergency preparedness plans in place to ensure food security and nutrition of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups as well as emergency nutrition surveillance with appropriate indicators during crises such as epidemics and pandemics, conflicts and disasters including those induced by climate change.

The identified documents have been grouped into four categories: UN evidence-informed documents, UN normative guidance documents, UN operational/technical guidance documents and other documents that have been published by non-UN bodies.