Acción mundial de lucha contra el gusano cogollero del maíz


Year: 2024
Type: Reports
FAO organized the first-ever Global Symposium on Sustainable Fall Armyworm Management to discuss the future global response to FAW and other invasive plant pests and diseases. 16 actionable recommendations were identified to support future plant pest management activities and...
Year: 2022
Type: Documents
This newsletter informs all FAW key stakeholders about the latest news of the FAO Global Action.
Year: 2022
Type: Documents
This newsletter informs all FAW key stakeholders about the latest news of the FAO Global Action.
Year: 2022
Type: Documents
This newsletter informs all FAW key stakeholders about the latest news of the FAO Global Action.
Year: 2022
Type: Guidance notes
This resource mobilization drive will support concrete efforts to control FAW in eight demonstration countries and more than 50 pilot countries, building evidence of the best sustainable pest management solutions to control its spread and...
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