Action mondiale pour la lutte contre la chenille légionnaire d'automne

Takeaways from fall armyworm programs in Asia-Pacific region

28 December 2021

On 2 December 2021, 41 senior officials, national fall armyworm (FAW) focal persons, plant protection and extension officers, and experts from research organizations, from the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Nepal, Bhutan, and Lao PDR met virtually for a regional result-sharing workshop.

The meeting concluded a regional technical cooperation project that supported the development and implementation of management strategies in response to FAW infestations. Thanks to this project, all countries involved increased local awareness of FAW management, and strengthened the capacity of more than 70 technical and extension staff and farmers in identification, surveillance and monitoring, and implemented integrated pest management programmes. The project also brought a focus to the role of farmer field schools.

During the meeting, participants shared their experiences from project implementation, including FAW management, and discussed how to strengthen cooperation among the participating countries as well as other countries in the region, also facing FAW invasions. In this regard, the workshop provided an excellent opportunity for participants to actively discuss practical issues for FAW management and monitoring.

All countries involved in the project are committed to continue activities in the future, including farmer trainings, developing local-specific management techniques, conducting research and field studies on integrated pest management, using biological control, and strengthening pest monitoring and surveillance systems.

Participants also called for further support from FAO on use of biopesticides and research with regard to host plant resistant varieties.