منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Biogas plants help farmers in Vietnam

Current approach to manure management for small-scale Southeast Asian farmers

Animal excrements, especially those of pigs, are produced in large volumes in Southeast Asia . Where these wastes are not properly treated, negative impacts on natural environment and health of local inhabitants are a consequence.

Manure is generated in large volumes in the entire Southeast Asia. When properly treated, the volume of this type of waste is reduced and, on top of that, energy produced (for instance as biogas and a digestate as a by-product, which can be used as fertilizer rich in nutrients). However, where such fertilizer is not properly handled, impairment of natural environment may occur. Small biogas plants provide an important environmental technology, as they address biowaste issues and, at the same time, generate biogas and fertilizers. Researchers at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague deal with usage of biogas plants in developing countries on a long-term basis.

The objective of Czech and Vietnamese scientists was to explore and analyse all aspects of existing practices in treatment of manure in Southeast Asia, with a focus on practices in Vietnam. These efforts open insights into the present situation among small farmers and monitor differences between farmers owning and not owning a biogas plant. This provides us an interesting comparison view on treatment of manure and excrements.

Title of publication: Current approach to manure management for small-scale Southeast Asian farmers - Using Vietnamese biogas and non-biogas farms as an example
المجلد: 115
نطاق الصفحات: 362-370
المؤلف: Hynek Roubík
مؤلفين آخرين: Jana Mazancová, Le Dinh Phung, Jan Banout
المنظمة: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
منظمات أخرى: Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry
السنة: 2018
التغطية الجغرافية: آسيا والمحيط الهادي
النوع: مقال صحفي
لغة المحتوى: English

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