منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Supporting sustainable livelihoods and reclaiming degraded land by enhancing agroforestry in Soouthern Shan State

Smallholder farmers particularly in climate vulnerable developing countries such as Myanmar face challenges related to food security and climate change. Research has increasingly pointed toward agro-ecology as a movement with the science and approach suitable to building the resilience of smallholder farmers. Since 2014, the Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID) has been working in ethnic Taungyoe villages in southern Shan State, Myanmar. The focus has been to build climate change resilience in part by promoting and implementing agro-ecology initiatives. This case study examines the impact of MIID’s agro-ecology approaches particularly focusing on agro-forestry, sustainable alternative livelihoods and organic home gardens that aim to support sustainable food systems and climate resilient landscape transitions.

الناشر: Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID)
المؤلف: Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID)
المنظمة: Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID)
منظمات أخرى: European union, ICIMOD, MONREC
السنة: 2017
البلد/البلدان: Myanmar
التغطية الجغرافية: آسيا والمحيط الهادي
النوع: دراسة حالة
لغة المحتوى: English

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