منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

On the future of certified organic seed

A great event that provides a glance into the future is an excellent reason inform people about the prospects of developing the use of certified organic seeds and organic plant breeding in Hungary. This event is the establishment of the Organic Seed Working Group, within the Hungarian Seed Association (VSZT). VSZT has been devoted to discussing professional issues related to organic seeds for two decades, which were carried out initially in an individual organic seed section. Then, after the death of the last president of the section, Dr. Géza Kovács, they were conducted within the scope of multiple sections specific to plant groups. The Organic Seed Working Group, established on 3 March 2020, allows members to engage in technical questions and develops recommendations related to organic seeds as a separate cross-section topic. This form is less restrictive than a specialized section, which is a benefit.

المؤلف: Péter Mikó (ATK MGI), Dóra Drexler (ÖMKi), Judit Fehér (ÖMKi), Mária Megyeri (ATK MGI), Emília Apostol (VSZT)
السنة: 2020
النوع: مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
لغة المحتوى: English

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