Green technologies enable a better future for Moldovan farmers
Climate change and extreme weather events, including severe droughts and intense and heavy rainfall, pose considerable challenges to agricultural producers in the Republic of Moldova. As agriculture is an important economic sector, it is critical to respond to and mitigate these climate change impacts.
A project of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with financial support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) on mainstreaming adaptation into the planning process to reduce vulnerability to climate change aims to help local governments in the Republic of Moldova better respond to climate change and improve access to technology for agricultural producers.
As part of this effort, in November, a Technology Need Assessment consultation workshop, organized under the project with support by the GCF Readiness Programme, brought together relevant actors and partners in Chisinau to discuss how local farmers can use green technologies to help them withstand climate impacts. Participants, including officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, FAO, as well as national and international experts, looked at ways to integrate science and innovation and adaptation policies in the Republic of Moldova support the country’s agrifood systems in becoming more efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable.