منبر معارف الزراعة الأُسرية

Sustainable agricultural mechanization – transforming rural families’ livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa

Over 100 international agriculture and food experts, including from 27 African countries gathered in Nairobi to discuss ways to boost agricultural mechanization for the benefit of smallholder farmers in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region. Farm mechanization has huge potential for increasing agricultural production and transforming rural families’ livelihoods by reducing drudgery in the field, enhancing sustainable intensification, more efficient use of farm inputs as well as making food-growing activities more “climate-smart”.


المنظمة: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
السنة: 2016
البلد/البلدان: Kenya
التغطية الجغرافية: أفريقيا
النوع: مقالة في مدونة إلكترونية
النص الكامل متاح على: http://www.fao.org/africa/news/detail-news/en/c/458050/
لغة المحتوى: English

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