Family Farming Knowledge Platform

5 New National Committees of Family Farming Created or in the Process of Development in 2017

Currently, 37 National Committees of Family Farming (NCFF) are actively working on political advocacy in their countries.

In 2017, the network of National Committees for Family Farming expanded with the incorporation of new countries like Fiji, Macedonia, and Chad, while in Japan and Cameroon important efforts were made in the establishment of platforms for political dialogue in favor of Family Farming. Throughout the year the NCFFs continued to be a fundamental pillar for the improvement of public policies in support of Family Farming, not only addressing a new generation of policies but also monitoring and implementing changes in existing policies.

Organization: World Rural Forum
Year: 2018
Country/ies: Cameroon, Chad, Fiji, Japan, North Macedonia
Type: Blog article
Content language: English

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