Family Farming Knowledge Platform

National committees for family farming in Colombia and Indonesia achieve the approval of important regulations in support of family farming

Also, various National Committees for Family Farming in Africa are involved in processes for the creation of national public policies and are playing a key role in defending the interests of Family Farming

The National Committees for Family Farming in Indonesia and Colombia have promoted processes of political dialogue between key players in Family Farming, leading to the approval of new regulations for the development of Family Farming in their respective countries. In Indonesia, the Law on the Protection and Empowerment of Farmers in central Java has been approved. In Colombia, strategic public policy guidelines for Family Farming were approved.

Author: WRF / FRM
Organization: World Rural Forum
Year: 2018
Country/ies: Colombia, Gambia, Indonesia, Madagascar, Senegal
Geographical coverage: Africa, Andean Community (CAN), Asia and the Pacific
Type: Article
Content language: English

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