Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Local and SolidarityBased Partnerships for Agroecology (LSPA) Around the Mediterranean

This booklet has been edited and tailored by farmers, food activists, organizers of farmers’ markets, agronomists, agroecologists, permaculture trainers, Food Sovereignty activists, civil society actors from 15 different countries of the Mediterranean Basin. Contributors are from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Italy, France and Spain. Over and above the current extraordinary social and economic challenges, Mediterranean Sea Basin societies are all confronted by the realities of climate change and increased food insecurity, and are facing situations of extreme vulnerability. At the very moment when we are confronted by these shared issues, and in need of greater exchange, resource sharing and mutual support, the borders are closing, and the Mediterranean Basin is becoming a space of division, haunted by hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Organization: Urgenci
Year: 2020
Type: Book
Content language: English

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