Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Economic Security Assessment of San Jorge, Samar, Philippines, as it Experiences Coronavirus

This study assesses the economic security of the city of San Jorge, Samar, Philippines, in terms of livelihood, income, and health in order to analyze the extent of the effect of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on the populace. The study evaluates the responses provided by the government, private nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs). It also looks at how people coped with the crisis during and after the community quarantine. Families received cash and food assistance from local government and other concerned INGOs, which was given to augment the expenses for food, health, and education of their children. The families coped with the food shortage by reducing the number of daily meals and by replacing rice in meals with root crops and vegetables.

Title of publication: Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
ISSN: 2152-0801 online
Author: Marcos E. Bollido, Northwest Samar State University
Organization: Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development
Year: 2020
Country/ies: Philippines
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Type: Journal article
Content language: English

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