Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Yemaya Newsletter No.62, December 2020

The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) has released the latest edition of Yemaya, its newsletter on gender and fisheries.

Yemaya No. 62, dated December 2020, features articles from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Ghana, Mexco and the conversation between Meryl Williams, Danika Klieber and Kate Bevitt.

The article from Bangladesh by Md. Mujibul Haque Munir reveals that women in Bangladesh’s coastal fishing continue to remain largely unrecognized and that urgent steps are needed to rectify this situation.

The article from Myanmar by Angela Lentisco looks at the challenge of FAO’s FishAdapt project in strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries -and aquaculture dependent livelihoods and limited opportunity to work as wage labour in the commercial fishing business.

The article from Ghana by Naana Nkansah Agyekum looks at the gradual transformation of the ahotor oven which represents an improvement on the widely used chorkor smoke. The ahotor oven is energy efficient and helps women fish processors reduce the quantity of firewood in smoking fish.

The conversation between Kate Bevitt, Danika Kleiber and Meryl Williams focuses on the collaborative study, Illuminating Hidden Harvests. The conversation highlights the under recognition and under reporting of women’s work.

Issue: 62
Author: ICSF
Organization: The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Year: 2020
Type: Newsletter
Content language: English

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