Family Farming Knowledge Platform

The slow blog

I was motivated to start blogging about agricultural sustainability, food security and nature conservation after noticing that international debates around these topics are largely driven by myths, perceptions, political discourses or sectorial interests, and not much by scientific evidence. I want to provide scientific insights and highlight different sources of knowledge to inform these debates. Through short opinion pieces, links, announcements and media pieces I aim to disseminate both (i) the type of information that would never make it to a scientific journal, and (ii) published scientific knowledge or hard evidence that is often less available to people involved in such debates, from development workers or environmental activists to teachers and policy makers. In line with the philosophy of slow food – and slow science – I take my time to write posts to provide as much info as possible while trying not to get too lengthy and boring… or at least that’s what I hope…

Year: 2015
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Website
Full text available at:
Content language: English

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