Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Transforming food and farming


This publication provides an answer to these questions, which were at the heart of strategic conversations initiated by IFOAM EU to foster the further development of the organic movement. One result of these conversations is a shared vision of the European organic movement to 2030 and beyond, described in Part I, outlining who we want to be by that time. Part II of this publication provides a strategic analysis of the future, and sets out the possible framework conditions in which our vision might have to fit in order to become reality, as well as what strategies would have to be developed to achieve it. It starts with an overview of the organic movement and its achievements until now, reflected both in terms of market growth and societal recognition. It continues with a selection of relevant future trends & uncertainties that explore some of the opportunities and threats that might face the organic movement. The same set of trends and uncertainties, ranked by their potential impact on the organic sector, form the basis of four scenarios that represent multiple but equally plausible futures that set the context in which the organic movement might have to exist. While they are not intended as predictions of the future, the scenarios serve as a framework for the shared vision and a test-bed for future strategies – concrete paths that we need to develop in order to achieve our desired vision. These strategies should take into account both the vision of the organic movement and possible objective developments in the outside world. In facilitating this process we have put considerable effort into a participatory approach, capturing multiple viewpoints, ideas, insights and intuitions from individuals involved in the organic movement and sector in Europe. Through five workshops and two Europe-wide consultations, more than 300 contributors shaped this vision process. The pages that follow bring all these voices and ideas together. The publication ends with a reflection on the way forward, i.e. the next steps the organic movement should take to define a clear pathway for achieving its vision.

Organization: IFOAM Organics
Year: 2021
Type: Technical paper
Content language: English

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