Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Rural Voices June 2021 - A qualitative analysis of the findings from stakeholder workshops contributing to the long-term vision for rural areas

This report records the concerns and hopes of more than 3000 rural citizens from 19 different EU countries who participated in a series of workshops in response to the proposal from Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, to build a long-term vision “for and by rural Europe”. Participants had to brave the restrictions imposed by the pandemic and hold nearly all the events in a virtual format. The workshops also had to be completed in a very short time period – between December 2020 and the end of February 2021 – in order to meet the timetable for consultations to feed into the Communication planned by the European Commission for the summer of 2021. The fact that so many people were prepared to share their ideas, hopes and dreams is testimony enough to the energy and commitment that exists in rural communities for forging a new vision which recognises the full value of rural areas for the well-being of the whole of society. We are very grateful for the time taken by many busy people to share their ideas and recommendations for a brighter rural future. Especial thanks, however, must go to the National Rural Networks of many countries without whom many of the meetings would not have taken place. They communicated the information to their stakeholders, adapted the workshop methodology to their needs, organised and facilitated many of the meetings and, often, recorded and synthesised the results. A number of the responses expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to contribute to the rural vision process, and expressed the hope that citizens’ participation and ideas would be sought more frequently in future. Several commented on the wider value of the exercise for the local community and area, and that the outcomes would be useful for future initiatives.

Author: Bill Slee
Other authors: : Zélie Peppiette (former EC Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development), Paul Soto (ENRD Contact Point), Enrique Nieto (ENRD Contact Point), Veronika Korcekova
Organization: European Network for Rural development
Year: 2021
Country/ies: European Union
Geographical coverage: European Union (European Union)
Type: Report
Content language: English

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