Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Rural youth as leaders of change

Europe needs the vision, engagement and participation of all young people to build a better future that is greener, more inclusive and digital. In the words of the European Commission’s President, Ursula von der Leyen, “Our Union needs a soul and a vision [young people] can connect to”. The EU is striving to give young people more and better opportunities to shape Europe's future and naming 2022 as the European Year of Youth is more than a symbolic step. Rural youth can provide ideas, inspiration and energy to imagine, create and grasp opportunities for stronger, more connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas. This European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Projects Brochure will look at how Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) have been accompanying rural youth and supporting their innovative ideas, engagement and participation. Existing initiatives can inspire new actions under the new CAP Strategic Plans. The EU Youth Strategy 2019–27 wants young people to engage and become active citizens involved in democracy and society. The strategy focuses on three core areas of action: Engage, Connect and Empower, and has established 11 European Youth Goals. Youth Goal #6 is ‘Moving Rural Youth Forward’: creating conditions which enable young people to fulfil their potential in rural areas and ensuring equality for young people in urban and rural settings. Specific objectives of this European Youth Goal include ensuring that appropriate infrastructure, sustainable and high-quality jobs and high-quality education opportunities are made available to young people in rural areas; ensuring the decentralisation of activities by, for and with young people in order to support their inclusion and to benefit local communities; and allowing active participation in decision-making processes. Establishing a positive image of rural areas and ensuring the protection of rural traditions are also important objectives.

ISSN: 2529-5012
Publisher: ENRD
Author: ENRD
Organization: European Network for Rural Development
Year: 2022
Country/ies: European Union
Geographical coverage: European Union (European Union)
Type: Case study
Content language: English

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