Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Cycle of Dialogues Climate and resilient management of agricultural ecosystems

Since the end of 2021 and so far this year 2022, the world faces fertilizer scarcity, driven by a rise in prices, increasing by approximately 78% in this period. Prices of P and K fertilizers went from US$ 450 to US$ 1200 per ton; urea went from US$ 500 to over US$ 1000. In addition, fertilizers are no longer available on the market, as many production factories, which were facing negative margins, stopped production; among other factors, due to the increase in the price of energy. Consequently, it is expected a reduction in fertilizer applications that will reduce yields and the quality of food production. Additionally, phenomena related to climate change and land degradation, worsen the future outlook for the Latin America and Caribbean region. Based on this situation, the Soil CoP-of LAC proposed to address the issue by first laying out the current situation of soil fertility and plant nutrition in the region (Dialogue 1), what alternatives are available for sustainable soil fertility management (Dialogue 2), and what policies are being implemented in the region to promote and scale up these alternatives (Dialogue 3).


Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year: 2022
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Website
Content language: Spanish

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