Family Farming Knowledge Platform

The Inga tree model: regenerative agroforestry

Inga alley-cropping is a system of deep mulching using pruned green leaves from the trees which are contour-planted in hedgerows. Within about 24 months, the Inga trees will have recaptured the site from invasive grasses and will be ready for their first pruning. Following cropping, the trees are left to recover their canopy and are pruned again the following year. The system was rigorously developed and tested during the Cambridge Alley-cropping Projects in Central America (1988-2002) and is now being successfully implemented with over 300 families in northern Honduras. The only inputs required are cheap mineral supplements: Rock-phosphate, Dolomitic lime and K-Mag. The combination of N-fixing trees and these minerals is restoring soil fertility.

Author: FAO TECA
Organization: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Year: 2020
Country/ies: Honduras
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Practices
Content language: English

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