Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Conservation agriculture for smallholder farmers in dryland areas

The Laikipia district, in the Rift Valley of Kenya, is located on the plateau north west of Mount Kenya. Due to its leeward position, the district is significantly dry, with aridity increasing from the slopes of the mountain to the dry lowlands. Inadequate rainfall and periods of drought have caused land degradation and soil erosion, affecting the productivity of agriculture and the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in these arid and semi-arid areas. Two Farmer Field Schools established in the district introduced Conservation Agriculture principles and techniques which mitigated the impact of drought on farm production and on the environment. The goal of conservation agriculture is to maintain and improve crop yields and resilience against drought and other hazards, while at the same time protecting and stimulating the biological function of the soil.

Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Organization: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Year: 2020
Country/ies: Kenya
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Practices
Content language: English

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