Family Farming Knowledge Platform

On-farm composting methods: large scale passive aeration

Growing concerns relating to land degradation, threats to eco-systems from over and inappropriate use of inorganic fertilizers, atmospheric pollution, soil health, soil biodiversity and sanitation have rekindled the global interest in organic recycling practices, like composting. The potential of composting to turn on-farm waste materials into a farm resource makes it an attractive proposition. Composting offers several benefits such as enhanced soil fertility and soil health, thereby increasing agricultural productivity, improving soil biodiversity, reducing ecological risks and providing a better environment. The following technology is part from FAO's publication on-farm composting.

Author: FAO
Organization: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Year: 2020
Country/ies: China
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Type: Practices
Content language: English

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