Family Farming Knowledge Platform

Water management in the mountain: Kuhl irrigation

In mountain areas, water continues to be a scarce commodity not only for irrigation purposes but even for drinking and other domestic uses. These challenges are encountered very frequently in India. These difficulties are present, inspite of the fact that important rivers namely the Sutlez, Beas, Ravi and their tributaries originate from hill regions. Existing water resources are further declining due to heavy biotic pressure and lack of resource management. Most agricultural/horticultural activities are carried out under rainfed conditions. They require proper management of available water to be conserved during dry periods. In hill regions, the scope of boring tube-wells, canals and lift irrigation is limited. Such facilities are confined to the low laying areas. Therefore, the most common source of irrigation remains small water channels, locally called Kuhls. If intact, these sources account for 85.83 percent of the total area under irrigation in Indian hill regions. Providing an infrastructure that allows water harvesting and distribution is important to help farmers maintaining sustainable crop production and increase their resilience against risks created by water shortages. Ensuring adequate crop yield through irrigation is a very important component of the Kuhl irrigation agro-system.

Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Organization: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Year: 2020
Country/ies: India
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Type: Practices
Content language: English

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