Family Farming Knowledge Platform

How to make the "La grande" topbar hive

This document explains how to make the topbar hive "La grande", a topbar hive model developed by the beekeeper of "la Plateforme des Apiculteurs des Cataractes (PLAAC)" in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and widely adopted by beekeepers in DRC and the rest of the world. You will find detailed information, drawings and pictures to allow anybody wanting to make this hive model to successfully do so. This document has been developed by Beekeeping Network North-South (BNNS) in collaboration with André Makenbo of PLAAC in DRC.

This technology is also available in: French (ID8744)

Author: The Beekeeping Network North-South (BNNS)
Organization: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Year: 2021
Country/ies: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Geographical coverage: Africa
Type: Practices
Content language: English

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