Family Farming Knowledge Platform

ECOCIDADE: Urban Project in São Paulo, Brazil

The project "The City Needs Agroecology" has been conducted since 2021 in Brasilandia, northwest of Sao Paulo. The objective of the project is to improve the agroecological transition in order to foster local initiatives in public and community areas toward a circular food system.

This video of the project entitled ''Ecocidade'' highlights agroecology-related activities throughout the food cycle, from production to processing, distribution, and composting.

The project includes courses, workshops, and participatory interventions in public areas, and seeks to strengthen the food cycle in the region. It also bridges various backgrounds and skills among members on the ground.

The project involves three major programs

1) Crop farming (Providing technical assistance and access to supplies);

2) Food processing and production;

3) Composting.

The project is also undertaking innovative activities, including digital maps to locate residents to cooperate in project activities. A local electric bike delivery service, called VIVA BIKE, is responsible for the logistics of food delivery and organic waste collection.

Author: A Cidade Precisa de Você
Organization: A Cidade Precisa de Você
Year: 2022
Country/ies: Brazil
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Type: Video
Content language: English, Portuguese

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