Family Farming Knowledge Platform

FOOD POLICY FORUM FOR CHANGE - How feebate policies could upscale organic agriculture and food self-suffiency in Bhutan

This policy brief discusses how feebate policies could upscale organic agriculture and food self-sufficiency in Bhutan, specifically looking at rice production.

The simulations show that a feebate (fee and rebate) policy coupled with promotion and training in agroecological farming methods could incentivize widespread adoption of agroecology, achieving both 100 percent organic production and greater self-sufficiency for rice in Bhutan.

Volume: 4
Publisher: Biovision , Millennium Institute; Food Policy Forum for change
Author: Biovision , Millennium Institute; Food Policy Forum for change
Organization: Biovision , Millennium Institute; Food Policy Forum for change
Year: 2022
Country/ies: Bhutan
Geographical coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Type: Policy brief/paper
Content language: English

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